President Harrison II – Arriving soon?

President Harrison 2

We have waited for years (well it certainly feels like it), could it finally be about to materialise on that market? The very long-awaited President Harrison II CB Radio has been in a “coming soon” status on the President Electronics website for eons now. Well, the user manual has appeared on the official President Electronics website which contains everything you need to know about the upcoming radio. This must be a good sign and maybe a sign of imminent release! I cannot find it online for sale anywhere, but the anticipation is rising, could it finally land in 2022?

You can view and download the user manual below which is in French, Spanish, English and Polish

General Information

  • Channels: 40
  • Modulation modes: AM / FM
  • Frequency ranges: from 26.965 MHz to 27.405 MHz
  • Antenna impedance: 50 ohms
  • Power supply: 13.2 V / 26.4 V
  • Dimensions: 125 (L) x 165 (P) x 45 (H) mm
  • Weight: 0.571 kg
  • Accessories supplied: 1 microphone UP/DOWN
  • Frequency allowance: +/- 200 Hz
  • Carrier power: 4 W AM / 4 W FM
  • Transmission interference: inferior to 4 nW (- 54 dBm)
  • Audio response: 300 Hz to 3 KHz in AM/FM
  • Emitted power in the adj. channel: inferior to 20 µW
  • Microphone sensitivity: 3.0 mV
  • Transmission Drain: < 2 A max. with modulation (13.2 V) < 1 A max. with modulation (26.4 V)
  • Maxi. sensitivity at 20 dB sinad: 0.5 µV – 113 dBm (AM) 0.35 µV – 116 dBm (FM)
  • Frequency response: 300 Hz to 3 kHz in AM/FM
  • Adjacent channel selectivity: 60 dB
  • Maximum audio power: 3 W
  • Squelch sensitivity: minimum 0.2 µV – 120 dBm maximum 1 mV – 47 dBm
  • Frequency image rejection rate: 60 dB
  • Intermediate frequency rej. rate: 70 dB
  • Reception Drain: 180 ~ 500 mA maximum (13.2 V) 90 ~ 250 mA maximum (26.4 V)

Keep your eyes peeled, it could pop up anywhere at anytime.

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