Tuning CB Radio Antenna with an SWR Meter


This is a guide on how to effectively tune your CB Radio Antenna. You are going to need an SWR meter and a PL259 patch lead to do it. I show you how to best tune your antenna to obtain a decent SWR reading.

Tuning your antenna is essential to not only getting the best range but to help protect your equipment. A high SWR can damage your radio equipment so tuning is vital.

The process is easy once you know how. It can be a big daunting if you need to trim your antenna, but the benefits outweigh the hassle. Most antenna have a built-in way of extending the length, so you don’t need to trim.

I hope you find this video helpful and any tips you find along the way please share them in the comments.

In general, for SWR tuning of CB Radio:

  • SWR on channel 40 over an SWR of 2.0 typically means the antenna is too long.
  • SWR on channel 01 over an SWR of 2.0 typically means the antenna is too short.
  • SWR on all channels over 3.0 means there is a problem with the cable or mounting or the ground plane.

Once you have things within tolerance you can fine tune to your desired channel based on usage.

Here is a handy set of rules for you to follow:

  • If the SWR on Channel 40 is higher than Channel 1 then lower your antenna.
  • If the SWR on Channel 01 is higher than Channel 40 then raise your antenna.
  • If the SWR on Channel 01 and Channel 40 are about the same, and below 2.0 and the mid band Channel 20 has the lowest reading of all then you have hit utopia. Aim to hit below an SWR of 2.0 on all 40 channels and your tuned well enough.

The Nissei RS-70 of the left below is fabulous SWR meter (although it eats batteries) but they don’t have to cost you an arm and a leg. You can purchase much cheaper units like the Albrecht SWR-30 for around £27.

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