President Martin CB Radio Revisited & Unlocked


The President Martin CB Radio is tiny with a surprising amount of volume from the speaker. When modified the power output increases and the 120-channel mode is enabled. You also get the alpha channels as well and retain FM UK dependent on selected mode. A good value and flexible CB radio all round. Now we have cracked the secret combination of key presses to enter the factory services menu / hidden service menu you can adjust power settings up and down as needed. The President Martin is a decent little performer and well worth a look especially now you can make power adjustments.

You will have legal obligations in your region with regards to radio transmissions, licensing and power outputs. Expanding a radio may increase its power or frequency range outside of what is legally allowed with or without a license. If you choose to modify your radio, then it is done at your own risk. Remember, ignorance is no plea so stay on the right side of the law and double check before proceeding.

I have prepared a service information sheet which you can download here PresidentMartinService

If you would like to buy me a coffee and help support the channel then please follow this link buymeacoffee Your support is greatly appreciated, thank you so much

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