President Bill 2 – Teardown


In this video we take another look at the President Bill 2 CB radio. I have had various messages about bridging the two points located next to the “white wire” and in this video we do exactly that to see what, if anything, that does to the radio. The Bill 2 ASC is a tiny little power house of a radio but that smallness makes it difficult to work on. The official service manual has not surfaced yet and we are still exploring what hidden gems we can find in this radio.

In order to remove the PCB on this radio you need to de-solder the SO239 connector which is a pain. It requires quite a bit of heat to do this so ensure you have a large tip for your iron. It would have been so much easier if there was a cut out in the corner which provided access to the underside of the board. There are various components on the underside of the PCB that are located there to allow for heat dissipation. This means that heat sink compound gets everywhere when removing the board so take that into account when tackling this job. It is vital that everything lines up again when re-fitting and remember to add new compound.

There really is no benefit to be gained by removing the PCB and performing this exploratory modification as no change was noticed in its operation. It is a real shame that the Bill 2 does not have a high power adjustment in the factory services menu.

You will have legal obligations in your region with regards to radio transmissions, licensing and power outputs. Expanding a radio may increase its power or frequency range outside of what is legally allowed with or without a license. If you choose to modify your radio then it is done at your own risk. Remember, ignorance is no plea so stay on the right side of the law and double check before proceeding.

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